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Provide Safe Water for India Fund


Unsafe, dirty water causes sickness and death. It’s heartbreaking that women spend so much time collecting water that causes devastating diseases like dysentery, cholera, and typhoid. Diarrhea is the second most common cause of death among children under the age of five in India. The water they think is safe makes them sick, and has the potential to kill. Unsafe water is a major cause that keeps people in poverty. Women will spend several hours each day collecting water, walking barefoot for several miles across dirt roads to get water for their families. The water is not safe to drink, but it is often their only option. This is time that can be spent conducting business, growing food or caring for and teaching their children. When the children get sick, they must spend what little money they have to take the sick child to a doctor in town and buy medicine. One trip will usually cost several days wages. Unsafe water creates a vicious cycle, which causes sickness and keeps people entrenched in poverty. The clean water you provide through a water-well will last for an average of 10 years! You can make a life-changing difference and give people clean, safe drinking water. They will be able to give water to their children without making them sick. Each well we provide serves at least 150 families. • $53 provides safe water for one family • $106 provides safe water for two families
Provide Safe Water for India Fund

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