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Prolific Kourt Donation Nominee Fund


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Maven Youth

Maven Youth provides intentional mentorship, internship, and apprenticeship programs to support young adults eager to deepen their skills, knowledge, and networks.

The Bancroft School


Special People United To Ride Inc

Working in conjunction with the Monmouth County Park System, Special People United to Ride (SPUR) is a non-profit organization providing individuals with disabilities the opportunity to achieve personal goals through therapeutic horseback riding.

It is the mission of the Board of Directors of SPUR to raise funds for the assistance of individuals with disabilities through need-based scholarships for SPUR therapeutic horsemanship programs. In addition, the Board of Directors will provide material assistance to the Monmouth County Park System for the implementation of its therapeutic horsemanship programs when deemed necessary by the SPUR Board of Directors.

Beam Center Inc

Beam Center’s mission is to crystallize self-directed growth through ambitious, collaborative project-making. We support and celebrate young people as producers of learning, culture and change who take bold steps towards meaningful futures and help guide compassionate, equitable, and vibrant communities. We use old and new tools, technologies, and craft to honor the individual voice, celebrate the joy of producing something larger than ourselves, and inspire lasting wonder. We value the exchange of knowledge, perspective, and experience between youth and professional creators.

We share in the work of creating economic and educational equity for young New Yorkers who face systemic injustice.

Hope Program, Inc.

HOPE's mission is to empower individuals living in poverty to achieve economic self-sufficiency and to inform practices and policy by sharing our research and solutions. In New York City, 1 in 5 people live in poverty, as do 1 in 3 children. Every week 300,000 New Yorkers rely on soup kitchens and food pantries to feed themselves and their families. An unwavering focus on the needs of every individual who comes to HOPE is the basis of our effectiveness. We offer poor New Yorkers and the larger city a successful and replicable way to work and grow.

The Trevor Project

The Trevor Project's mission is to end suicide among gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, queer, and questioning (LGBTQ) young people.

We are the world’s largest suicide prevention and crisis intervention organization for LGBTQ young people. The organization works to save young lives by providing support through free and confidential suicide prevention and crisis intervention programs on platforms where young people spend their time: our 24/7 phone lifeline, chat, text and soon-to-come integrations with social media platforms. We also run TrevorSpace, the world’s largest safe space social networking site for LGBTQ youth, and operate innovative education, research, and advocacy programs.

Reading Partners

Reading Partners is a national education nonprofit dedicated to improving students' reading skills. Our mission is to help children become lifelong readers by empowering communities to provide individualized instruction with measurable results. We engage community volunteers to provide one-on-one reading instruction to elementary school students reading below grade level, helping students succeed in school and in life.

Sandy Hook Promise Foundation

Sandy Hook Promise’s mission is to prevent gun violence and other forms of violence and victimization BEFORE they happen by creating a culture of engaged youth and adults committed to identifying, intervening, and getting help for individuals who might be at risk of hurting themselves or others.

United We Dream Network

United We Dream’s mission is to build a multi-racial, multi-ethnic movement of young people who organize and advocate at the local and national levels for the dignity and justice of immigrants and communities of color in the United States.

The Campaign Against Hunger

Bed-Stuy Campaign Against Hunger (BSCAH)’s mission is to empower our neighbors to lead healthier, more productive and self-sufficient lives by increasing their access to nutritious food and related resources.

New York State Youth Leadership Council

The NYSYLC is an undocumented youth led organization. Through community organizing, the NYSYLC empowers immigrant youth to challenge systems of oppression and pursue their goals.

Brooklyn Defender Services


Center For Urban Pedagogy Inc

CUP uses the power of art, design, and visual culture to increase public participation in shaping the city, particularly among historically underrepresented communities. CUP creates interdisciplinary collaborations that bring together community organizations, advocacy groups, students, artists, designers, educators, and others to improve urban life.

Special Olympics New York Inc.


Getting Out and Staying Out Inc

Getting Out and Staying Out (GOSO) empowers young men to avoid reinvolvement in the criminal justice system by reshaping their futures through educational achievement, meaningful employment, and financial independence. GOSO focuses on individuals' capacities and strengths, as well as developmental needs and emotional well-being. Our aim is to promote their personal, professional, and intellectual growth by providing goal-oriented programing and comprehensive supportive social services.

Free Code Camp Inc

To help millions of people learn to code together for free.

Electronic Frontier Foundation Inc

The Corporation was formed to perform the following activies:1) To educate the general public regarding new forms of technology including, but not limited to, digital, computing and communications technology;2) To educate the general public and foster discussion and public policy analysis regarding the relationship between technology and society;3) To educate the general public and foster discussion and public policy analysis regarding the legal and social issues raised by existing and new technology;4) To conduct scientific research in the public interest to develop and expand existing technology in order to make existing advances in digital, computing and communications technology more accessible to the general public, and to make the results of such research available to the public on a non-discriminatory basis; and 5) To conduct litigation in the public interest in order to preserve and protect the human and civil rights of those using or involved with technology, including, but no

Prolific Kourt Donation Nominee Fund

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