La Federation Francaise Des Banques Alimentaires
The Food Banks were founded on principles that still govern the daily life of the 79 Food Banks and 23 branches: the fight against food waste, sharing, donations, free services, volunteering and patronage.
Foodbank NSW & ACT Limited
Foodbank NSW & ACT Limited fights hunger by providing quality food for people in need and is the largest food relief organisation in New South Wales (NSW) and the Australian Capital Territory (ACT). As a pantry for charities and schools that feed hungry people, in 2018/19 we supplied food for 21.4 million meals (11.8 million kilograms) to over 550 charities and 150 schools, helping 373,000 individuals every month. We provide food relief through other channels during emergencies. We are expanding our School Breakfast 4 Health program so less children start their school days with empty tummies.
We obtain food from many sources. Most is donated by farmers, manufacturers, distributors and retailers, reducing the amount of food that would otherwise go into landfill. We also receive food donations from other groups and individuals. We supplement food donations with collaborative production and food purchases.
We value our partners and volunteers who are essential to our operations.
The Food Bank Singapore Ltd
Let The Feeding Begin!
Second Harvest - Japan
Second Harvest Japan aims at creation of Food Lifeline in Japan by providing food resources to those in need, such as children at orphanages, single mothers and/or disabled people at aid agencies, and other low-income households. Second Harvest Japan will create a community in which people without food security¹ can secure enough food resources, by cooperating with food providers.
City Harvest London
City Harvest puts surplus food to good use in a sustainable way. We get surplus food safely to the hungry. While thousands of Londoners go hungry each day, safe, healthy and usable food is being disposed of as waste. City Harvest collects this nutritious surplus food from all segments of the food industry including restaurants, grocers, manufacturers, wholesalers, hotels and caterers.
Sacred Heart Community Service
Our mission is to build a community free from poverty by creating hope, opportunity, and action. We provide essential services, work together to improve our lives, advocate for justice, and inspire our community to love, serve, and share.
Rashtrotthana Parishat
1. Develop, publish, promote and disseminate literature based on Indian value systems.
2. Provide value-based, nation building education facilitating the comprehensive development of students and youth leading towards social transformation.
3. Fulfill the needs of the society by offering yoga, health and other related activities.
4. Through these activities create sustainable and scalable models and encourage mass implementation.
Second Harvest of Silicon Valley
End hunger in our community.
Asian Americans Advancing Justice - Asian Law Caucus
We were founded in 1972 as the nation’s first legal and civil rights organization serving low-paid, immigrant, and underserved Asian American and Pacific Islander communities. Within that broad political umbrella are shared histories and stories, as well as unique systemic inequities and barriers to justice and freedom for different ethnicities. We are committed to serving the vast diversity of communities of Asian descent, including Arab, Middle Eastern, and Muslim communities. Our fights for justice and equity are deeply informed by and in solidarity with fights for liberation by and for Black, Indigenous, and Latinx communities. In California, with a special focus on the Bay Area, we bring together legal services, community empowerment, and policy advocacy to fight for immigrant just