Funds in Education

Incubate Nepal Fund
1 nonprofit
Incubate Nepal Fund
Donation drive for Incubate Nepal, a nonprofit organization that runs 10-week mentorship programs every year, connecting some of the most talented high school students from all over Nepal and from a range of socio-economic backgrounds, with young mentors in the United States to collaborate on open-ended projects. We are currently running a donation drive for our 2023 iteration! We utilize the funding to accomplish three main goals: - Provide support to our student leaders: As we grow as an organization, we have begun working with student leaders and coordinators who can manage teams and execute various logistical tasks. While they work with us on a voluntary basis, we would like to be able to reimburse them for various costs they incur. - Provide stipends to participants: Many of our participants come from rural and underprivileged backgrounds. For them, participating in a summer program like Incubate Nepal means foregoing potential income from summer work, which they use to assist their families. We do not want applicants to be stifled by such financial constraints, and therefore have piloted a stipend system where students can apply for stipends and reimbursements. - Sponsor and support increasingly sophisticated projects: Last year, for example, we made our first attempt at a mechanical engineering project, where students designed and built their first remote-controlled car from scratch. This involved sourcing microprocessors, parts, and paid access to workshops. We would like to keep providing such opportunities for our students! You can find more information through the following links: Website: Facebook Page:
Support Women & Cultural Diversity by Volunteering or Donating Fund
1 nonprofit
Support Women & Cultural Diversity by Volunteering or Donating Fund
Donate to The Women’s Foundation The Women’s Foundation is a non-profit organization dedicated to improving the lives of women and girls in Hong Kong. It promotes the full and equal participation of women and girls in all aspects of Hong Kong society, by engaging in research, programs, education and advocacy to drive measurable change. At the March 15th CSR event, The Women’s Foundation will share its vision for its flagship Girls Go Tech program and discuss the importance of educating girls for future IT jobs. But our support to The Women’s Foundation isn’t limited to the day of March 15. We can make donations now to fund more meaningful programs like Girls Go Tech! In addition, to celebrate International Women’s Day in March, Cisco Hong Kong is teaming up with The Women’s Foundation of Hong Kong and two Cisco community groups – Connected Asian Affinity Network (CAAN) Greater China and Women of Cisco (WoC) – on a half-day CSR event on Wednesday, March 15. CAAN and WoC are all about fostering a diverse and inclusive community, so for this quarter’s CSR event, we will be hosting a group of 27 non-Chinese speaking students from Delia Memorial School at the Cisco Hong Kong office and pairing them with Cisco mentors. The students, mostly from South Asia and Southeast Asia, are a wonderful reflection of Hong Kong’s cultural diversity, and mentoring is a great way to give back to our community.